Flood | Garden City News

2021-12-13 19:25:13 By : Mr. Bei Chen

Author: Editorial Team | December 9, 2021

Some residents are very worried about the recent reports of high levels of lead in household water supplies. The village has tested water at its wellhead, and these tests did not find high levels of lead, so the problem is likely to come from other parts of the system.

Some older houses may have lead pipes to bring water from the street main into the house (service line). Although in theory many years of mineral deposits may encase any lead in pipes, in some cases lead may be leached from these pipes. If you have such a service hotline, you should consider replacing it with safer materials. A licensed plumber should be able to tell you what kind of plumbing you have.

Other possible sources of lead contamination include the use of the wrong type of solder on the pipe joints. Although plumbers will not use this, if you have a lot of DIY plumbing in your home, it will be worth paying attention to.

The New York State Department of Health provides free lead testing kits. Send an email to FreeWaterTesting@health.ny.gov for information or visit the following website: health.ny.gov/environmental/water/drinking/lead/free_lead_testing_pilot_program.htm

Judging from the discussions we have seen online, cases of high lead seem to be scattered throughout the village, so all homeowners should complete this free test.

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